
GloboNote has a built-in calculator function that can evaluate mathematical expressions in a note. Simply type the arithmetic equation without any space and then either press F2 or right click on the note to show Note Menu then select Tools > Compute. The result will be added to the note.

Example: 1+1<press F2> will become 1+1=2

It can also evaluate equations with thousand separator or digit group separator. If the evaluated arithmetic equation contains digit group separator, the result will also contain digit group separator.

Example: 1,000*2<press F2> will become 1,000*2=2,000

Supported Mathematical Operators

Operator Description
+ Additive operator / Unary plus
- Subtraction operator / Unary minus
* Multiplication operator, can be omitted in front of an open bracket
/ Division operator
% Remainder operator (Modulo)
^ Power operator

You can use parentheses to specify order of operation.


You can declare variables and use it inside your mathematical expression. To do this:

  1. Type in a variable name followed by = then the value or mathematical expression.
  2. Write your final mathematical expression

  3. Highlight lines that contain variable declaration and final mathematical expression then press F2

Note: Variable name needs to start with a letter (a-zA-Z)

Supported Functions

There are built-in math functions that are supported by GloboNote calculator tool

Function Description
NOT(expression) Boolean negation, 1 (means true) if the expression is not zero
RANDOM() Produces a random number between 0 and 1
MIN(e1,e2, ...) Returns the smallest of the given expressions
MAX(e1,e2, ...) Returns the biggest of the given expressions
ABS(expression) Returns the absolute (non-negative) value of the expression
ROUND(expression,precision) Rounds a value to a certain number of digits, uses the current rounding mode
FLOOR(expression) Rounds the value down to the nearest integer
CEILING(expression) Rounds the value up to the nearest integer
LOG(expression) Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of an expression
LOG10(expression) Returns the common logarithm (base 10) of an expression
SQRT(expression) Returns the square root of an expression
SIN(expression) Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle (in degrees)
COS(expression) Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle (in degrees)
TAN(expression) Returns the trigonometric tangens of an angle (in degrees)
COT(expression) Returns the trigonometric cotangens of an angle (in degrees)
ASIN(expression) Returns the angle of asin (in degrees)
ACOS(expression) Returns the angle of acos (in degrees)
ATAN(expression) Returns the angle of atan (in degrees)
ACOT(expression) Returns the angle of acot (in degrees)
ATAN2(y,x) Returns the angle of atan2 (in degrees)
SINH(expression) Returns the hyperbolic sine of a value
COSH(expression) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value
TANH(expression) Returns the hyperbolic tangens of a value
COTH(expression) Returns the hyperbolic cotangens of a value
SEC(expression) Returns the secant (in degrees)
CSC(expression) Returns the cosecant (in degrees)
SECH(expression) Returns the hyperbolic secant (in degrees)
CSCH(expression) Returns the hyperbolic cosecant (in degrees)
ASINH(expression) Returns the angle of hyperbolic sine (in degrees)
ACOSH(expression) Returns the angle of hyperbolic cosine (in degrees)
ATANH(expression) Returns the angle of hyperbolic tangens of a value
RAD(expression) Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians
DEG(expression) Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees
FACT(expression) Retuns the factorial value of an integer. Will return 1 for 0 or a negative number

Supported Constants

Constant Description
e The value of e, exact to 70 digits
PI The value of PI, exact to 100 digits
TRUE The value one
FALSE The value zero


If you attempt a calculation which GloboNote does not support, you will hear a beep sound. No result will be added to the note.