• How to make GloboNote starts automatically in Windows?

    You can make GloboNote start automatically by creating a shortcut in Startup folder.
    For Windows XP,
    1. Right click Start button. Then click Open
    2. Explorer will be opened. Open the folder Programs -> Startup
    3. You are now in Startup folder. Right click on the folder, then select New -> Shortcut
    4. Create shortcut window will be opened. Browse the location where you installed GloboNote. (default: C:\Program Files\GloboNote)
    5. Select GloboNote.exe then click OK. A file should be created in the Startup folder.
  • I use Linux and Windows, how can I access all my notes when I am in Windows or Linux?

    To do this you need to assign GloboNote repository in a directory that both operating systems have read and write access.
    To move your current repository:
    1. Right click on the GloboNote icon located in system tray.
    2. Select General Preferences -> Advanced tab -> General tab
    3. Click the Change button
    4. Select a directory where both operating systems have r/w access. Then click OK
    5. A window will be displayed. Select Move Repository
    5. Click the OK button.
    To switch your current repository:
    1. Right click on the GloboNote icon located in system tray.
    2. Select General Preferences -> Advanced tab -> General tab
    3. Click the Change button
    4. Select a directory where .globonote can be located. Then click OK
    5. A window will be displayed. Select Switch Repository
    5. Click the OK button.
  • How to update/upgrade to newer version?

    Visit GloboNote homepage to download the latest version. After downloading, exit GloboNote first then install the downloaded file. You don't need to uninstall previous version of GloboNote. After installing, run GloboNote.exe. Existing notes will not be removed/deleted.

  • I am using Mac OS. How can I run GloboNote?

    Starting GloboNote v1.3.1 mac package was created for you.
    1. Download the one with globonote-mac-*.zip prefix
    2. If you are Mac OS X Mountain Lion users, you need to change security settings to allow any application to run before starting GloboNote for the first time. Open Security and Privacy -> Set Allow applications downloaded from Anywhere.
    3. Launch the application by double click on the GloboNote icon.